Skidoo Redux Lean

Skidoo Redux Lean is a slightly cut version of the Skidoo Redux layout. I’ve removed the menu system, style switcher, and font size manager from the layout. I’ve also removed the related CSS for those features. I’ve changed the doctype to 4.01 transitional so that the W3 validator will be more forgiving for any HTML people who use the layout might insert into the template.

This is a quick hold over until I put out a new “quickie” layout I’m working on whose soul purpose is to be very very simple to use.

IE6, Transparency and Links

Working on some tweaks to a big, new layout that I’ve helped design for the new college website. Rollout should happen sometime in March and is based off of a new layout I’ve called “flux”.

Some of the tweaks I’m working on include the use of a few transparent PNGs to make things look clean and pretty. Since I’m still very much aware (and trying to support) IE6, I’m using the DXImageTransform filter (which is proprietary to IE).

In the process I came across an IE bug in which links that are contained in a relative or absolutely positioned element that has this transparency filter applied don’t work.

After some search I came across Ingo Chao’s page which documents this bug nicely and includes workarounds. With this bit of information I’m getting a lot of the nicer visual treatments I thought would be reserved for IE7/Firefox/Opera/Safari/etc users working in IE6 AND IE5.5!

Since I found it useful I though I’d pass it along.


Yes, I am aware of the coming s*&tstorm that is IE8.

It amazes me how badly Microsoft can screw up a web browser even when they’re trying to be standards compliant. They just can’t leave well enough alone. They’ve got to leave their sticky, messy fingerprints on everything they touch, even HTML.

Since IE8 isn’t officially out or even close to a release candidate I’ll reserve any wild tantrums. Until then let’s all cross our fingers and hope the developers at Microsoft realize they don’t really need to add anything new. That DOCTYPE switching has worked in every other web browser for years and it can work with IE too!

And as an aside, Microsoft’s alleged plans to make their website 100% Silverlight to force people to install it is just insanity. Another example of Microsoft trying to abuse the footprint of IE, which only exists after years of forced adoption, to push yet another crappy Microsoft product on the masses that’s already been done (and done better!) by someone else.

Still Alive : Google Mini

Yes I have played portal and I loved it.

Sorry for the absence. There are a few reasons for it. Partly because work is very busy at the moment, but also because there have been plans on the table to switch to a new blog server here on campus. The swtich should be happening soon. We’ll be using WordPress MU. Had some problems with getting LDAP authentication working on the thing using this plugin. The problem was the OpenLDAP libraries that PHP was compiled with were having problems talking to Active Directory over SSL. Eventually we discovered that adding TLS_REQCERT never to the ldap.conf file resolved the issue. (The issue having to do with OpenLDAP not knowing the CA of the SSL cert.) So now that’s been fixed the switch should be soon. I’ve already tested out importing from this blog into WPMU and it seems to work pretty well.

In other news I got my hands on a Google Mini. This is basically a miniature version of your own Google search engine. The benefit being you have greater control over how the search operates. It’s not a bad little machine for the price (a couple grand). But there are a few drawbacks. For example you can’t actually open this thing up without a bit of effort. There doesn’t appear to be any FTP or SSH access to the box either. Short of ripping the thing open with the jaws of life you can’t see or touch the contents of the hard drive.

This is especially annoying if you’re looking to style the search engine’s interface to match your website. Files such as logos, external stylesheets, and supplemental images for the layout must be stored on a separate server which you then link to. That’s a bit annoying.

However you can customize the interface anyway you like. You’re essentially given an XSLT to play with. By default you never see this XSLT, but rather are given a list of about 10 to 20 different properties (font colors and sizes and a URL to your logo). These values are then put into the XSLT and away you go.

However there is an advanced mode, and I like advanced modes. Here you get the raw XSLT to play with anyway you want.

But be careful! The XSLT is filled with just as many comments about how you shouldn’t really be touching any of the XSLT code and that failure to heed this warning will result in Google not providing any assistance once you’ve royally screwed up your interface. (Luckily there’s a button that resets the XSLT to its default, so you’re never completely screwed.)

Having virtually no XSLT experience I dived in without care or worry. Within a few minutes of exploring the default XSLT I felt at home. The syntax looks a bit bloated but it’s quite easy to follow. The only real trouble I had with it were all the extra hoops you had to go through to add custom HTML to the thing.

Because XSLTs must be well-formed every opening tag must have a closing tag and that closing tag must be within the same element that opening tag appears. Doesn’t sound like a problem right?

Well the way our template works is you have a top half and a bottom half and the content of the page itself goes in the middle. In the interests of time and not wanting to rewrite the entire XSLT from scratch I decided to create two XSL templates, one for the top half and one for the bottom half of the page. I would then call each template in place of where the Google equivalent template was called.

However this is not well formed at all! You see I have one template called “page_header” inside which I have an opening BODY tag, but no closing BODY tag. The closing BODY tag is in another template called “page_footer”. This makes the XSLT parser very angry.

The quick solution is to simply stick each half of the template in its own XSL:TEXT element. All content within this element is treated as text rather than code, so the XSLT parser doesn’t care if this content is well formed or not. However, this content needs to all be escaped as well. This means every < becomes &lt; and every > becomes &gt; and so on. Quite annoying, especially if you expect to make lots of changes to the HTML along the way.

But by far the biggest pain in the ass of the whole thing is Google’s antiquated HTML. Strewn throughout the 3000 or so lines of XSL are things like FONT tags and TABLE tags with BGCOLOR, COLOR, and ALIGN attributes. Google explains the reasoning for this in their documentation; it mostly has to do with compatibility of older devices — they want everyone to see basically the same interface regardless of their browser.

However in 2008 I think it’s time to ditch some of this. Focus on using stylesheets all the way and if a browser can’t use the stylesheets they get plain page. That’s part of the point of CSS — by separating presentation logic from data browsers that don’t understand the presentation logic can still use the data. Sure pages will look plain and have a certain 1994 web quality to them, but if they’re still using Netscape 3 or IE 4 those users are certainly use to it by now.

And the page remains usable to all browsers, which is the most important part here, especially for a search engine.

I do plan on eventually replacing all the FONT, B, and I tags with SPAN, STRONG, and EM tags, but the task is quite large and right now my Google Mini has a 4.01 transitional DOCTYPE so the FONT tags aren’t really hurting anyone.

Still, despite all these weak areas, I don’t hate the Mini. Having that Google engine under the hood is nice and the installation and setup was fairly painless. I’m sure for virtually nothing I could have put together an open source search engine running on second-hand hardware running Linux or BSD which would afford me much greater access and control, but I didn’t have the time or resources to spent on researching and installing such a system. I needed something quick, easy, and relatively cheap, and that’s the Mini.