Work is In Progress

I was asked to create a WordPress theme for a friend’s web site. I’ve since created the layout and theme and intend to release a stripped-down version of this layout sometime soon. In preparation for this I dusted off the blog and even found a new template that is more to my liking.

I also started doing what was never intended to be, but has since become an exhaustive write-up about what this new layout does and how it works. This has been a great exercise because it forced me to revisit certain design choices and I’ve discovered new ways to approach certain issues with the mechanics of the layout. I’ve found new solutions to problems whose original fix I wasn’t quite pleased with and also solved some minor bugs that I was initially willing to ignore.

I think I’m at the point where I started, which is cleaning up the CSS, adding comments, and writing about how it all works.

So I’ve got a new layout to give you soon. It’s not terribly complex, it has just two columns, but how those two columns function is something I think will interest others than just myself.

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