Check. One. Two.

Right, so here we are. A new server running WordPress. I’ve imported all the old posts, but any links to old posts are going to be a bit broken now. So be it. I’ll have to develop a theme for this place. I’ve got a new layout that I think will work, I just need to move it to WordPress. We’ll see how that goes.

For now, please forgive any errors or problems you might encounter. This server is a bit fresh and may need a bit of time to ripen into delicious fruit. Pineapple!


Still here.

In the coming days (this month at least) we’ll be switching blog servers and software here. The URL should stay the same, but this site will be moving to a new physical box and to WordPress.

I’ve played with WordPress enough to see that it should have no problems importing old entries from this old version of MT we’re using now. Don’t know how this will affect RSS/ATOM feeds (for the few that use them).

So, heads up guys!